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Biao XU


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Department of Social Security

Areas of expertise

Public Economics, Health Economics, Medical Insurance, Public health management


Ph.D. Business Administration                                                                  2006-2009

School of Government, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China

MSc. Business Administration                                                                    2003-2006

School of Government, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China

BSc. Public Administration                                                                          1999-2003

Anhui University, China

Research/work Experiences

Associate Professor & Masters Advisor                                                2013-present

School of Government, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China

       Research on public economics, health economics and medical insurance, especially through quantitative research approaches.

Researcher                                                                                               2013-present

Center for Health Management and Care Security Policy Research

Postdoctoral Fellow                                                                                      2011-2013

Center for Health Management and Care Security Policy Research, Nanjing University

Lecturer                                                                                                         2011-2012

School of Government, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China

Selected Publications

Projects Presided:

2019-2022, Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China. “Study on the Formation Mechanism of Institutional Trust under the Background of Transition”.

2015-2018, Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China. “Study on the formation and repair mechanism of public medical trust crisis”.

2012-2013, Project of Jiangsu Province Health Department. “Research on the Strategy of Medical Service Price Adjustment”.

2012-2013, Project of Nanjing Health Bureau. “Medical Modernization and Internationalization”.

2012-2014, Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China. “Research on the Mechanism of Trust Damage and Repair”.

2012, Project of China Postdoctoral Science Foundation. “How to Repair Public Trust after Food and Medical Crisis”.

2010, Project of China Postdoctoral Science Foundation. “Research on Consumer Brand Attitudes after the Public Trust Crisis”.


Project participated:

2012.01-2014.12, Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China. “Influencing Mechanism of Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Orientation on Enterprise International Expansion Behavior”.

2012, Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China. “Influencing Mechanism of Human Capital on KIBS Companies International Expansion”.

2010, Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China. “Investor Relations, Analyst Behavior and Firm Value: An Empirical Study Based on China's Securities Market”.

Key Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China. “Research on Several Cutting-edge Questions in Behavior Finance Based on Experimental and Computable Method”.


Selected Awards

Xun Zhang, Biao Xu. (2019). Know to grow: the role of knowledge integration in marketing dynamic capabilities. Chinese Management Studies (SSCI), 2019.

Xu Biao. (2019). Can Competitive Supervision Promote Cooperation? -----Evidence from Classical Public Goods Experiments. Journal of Public Administration (CSSCI).

Xu Biao. (2019). A Debt Path Research on How Family Housing Wealth Affect Consumption”. Journal of Hohai University (Philosophy and Social Sciences) (CSSCI), 2019.

Xu Biao. (2019). Research on The Formation Mechanism of Government Trust Crisis After Negative Events: A quasi experimental study. Academia Bimestrie (CSSCI), 2019.

GU Hai, CUI Nan, WEI Shu, XU Biao. (2018). Analysis of the Factors Affecting the Implementation of Telemedicine in China ---- Based on CAS theory. Health Economics Research, 2018.

ZHANG Xun, XU Biao*. (2018). Social Classification Process and Its Impacts on Interpersonal Trust in MA -----A Mediated Moderation Model. Journal of Business Economics (CSSCI), 2018.

XU Biao, ZHANG Xun. (2018). Social Cooperation Dilemma and Governance Strategy in the Voluntary Supply of Public Goods. Contemporary Finance & Economics (CSSCI).

Xie Zhuyun, Wei WeiXu Biao. (2018). An Empirical Study on Influencing Factors of Enterprises Internal Control Effectiveness. Statistics & Decision (CSSCI), 2018.

Biao Xu. (2018). Research on the Formation Mechanism of Public Perception of Government Responsibility after Public Crisis Events. Journal of Public Administration, 2018.

Biao Xu. (2018). Dilemma Of Social Cooperation Dilemma In Industry Reputation Self-Regulation And It’s Solutions. Journal of Business Economics, 2018.

Biao Xu. (2017). Does Public Hospitals Crowd Out Private Hospitals? Evidence from China Province Level Data. Global Journal of Health Science & Nursing, 2017.

Biao Xu. (2017). Conflict, Trust, and Cooperation Willingness in M&A. MBAA INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, 2017.

Biao Xu. (2017). Study on the influence mechanism of knowledge inertia on the adoption of innovative medical equipment. International Conference on Electronic Business (ICEB), 2017.

Biao Xu. (2017). International experience of dual practice and its implication for China. Research on health management in China, 2017.

Biao Xu. (2017). Dilemma of social cooperation dilemma in public goods provision”. Contemporary Finance & Economics, 2017.

Biao Xu. (2017). An empirical study on the factors influencing the effectiveness of internal control of enterprises. Statistics and decision, 2017.

Biao Xu. (2017). The influence of inter group conflict on employee's willingness to cooperate in the context of merger and acquisition”. Nanjing University Business Review, 2017.

Biao Xu. (2016). Dilemma Of Social Cooperation Dilemma In Industry Reputation Self-Regulation And It’s Solutions. Journal of Business Economics, 2016.

Biao Xu. (2016). Research on The Formulation Mechanism of Government Responsibility Perception after Crisis Event”. Journal of Public Administration, 2016.

Biao Xu. (2016). Health Information Technologies: Which Nursing Homes Adopted Them? Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 2016.

Biao Xu. (2015). Marketing Dynamic Capabilities of International Firms: A Knowledge Integration Mechanism Perspective. Academy of International Business Southeast USA conference, 2015(11).


Biao Xu. (2014). Government Trust Damage, Repair Mechanism and Coping Strategies after Public Crisis, Journal of Public Management (CSSCI), 2014.

Biao Xu. (2014). Trust Damage and Its Spillover after Negative Events, Management Science (CSSCI), 2014.

Biao Xu, X. Zhang and J. Peng. (2014). Effects of University Teacher’s Acdemic Pressure on Research Performance. Studies in Science of Science (CSSCI), 2014.

Biao Xu, H. Gu and X. Zhang. (2013). Economic Effects and Policy Implications of Adjusting Price of Medical Services. Journal of Statistics and Decision (CSSCI), 2013.

Biao Xu. (2013). Government Trust Repair after Public Crisis. China Public Administration (CSSCI), 2013.

Biao Xu and S. Wang. (2013). Organizational Climate Perception, Knowledge Sharing Intention and Employees’ Innovation Behavior. Science Research Management (CSSCI), 2013.

Biao Xu. (2012). Does Hospital Income Structure Adjustment can Alleviate the Expensive Health Care? Research on Economics and Management (CSSCI), 2012.

Biao Xu. (2012). An Study of Brand Operation Mode in the Process of Industrial Upgrading: From Macro-economic Perspective to Micro-management Perspective. Soft Science (CSSCI), 2012.

Biao Xu. (2012). How does Brand-Originating Counties Influence Customer Loyalty and Quality Perception? Chinese Journal of Management (CSSCI), 2012.

Biao Xu and Hai Gu. (2012). Organization’s Knowledge, Cross-functional Interaction and New Product Performance. Journal of Business Economics (CSSCI), 2012.

Biao Xu and Xun Zhang. (2012). Effects of Trust on Ongoing Team’s Performance. Science research Management (CSSCI), 2012.