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Binbin PENG

Research Fellow

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Department of Emergency Management

Areas of expertise

Weather Disaster Management, Urban Heat Island, Transportation Safety, Active Transport and Health Impact Assessment


Ph.D. Philosophy                                                                                      2016-2021

School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA

M.A. Engineering                                                                                      2013-2015

College of Design, Construction and Planning, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA

B.A. Engineering                                                                                       2009-2013

School of Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China

Research/work Experiences

Teaching Faculty                                               2020-2021

Program in Urban Strategy, Drexel University, Pennsylvania, USA

Research Assistant                                             2020-2021

Stormwater Infrastructure Resilience and Justice Lab, Maryland, USA

Graduate Assistant                                            2017-2021

National Center for Smart Growth, Maryland, USA

Graduate Research Fellow                               2018-2020

Graduate Pursuit Program, SESYNC, Maryland, USA

Selected Publications

Fang, X., Cao, L., Zhang, L., Peng, B*., (2022). Risk perception and resistance behavior intention of residents living near chemical industry parks: an empirical analysis in China. Natural Hazards.

Peng, B.Erdogan, S*., Nasri A., Zou, F., (2021). Towards A Health-Conscious Transportation Planning: A Framework for Estimating Health Impacts of Active Transportation at Local Level. Journal of Transport and Health, 22, 101231.

Gu, Z*., Bejleri, I., Peng, B. (2021). Exploring Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Crash Duration in Urban Arterials and Collectors. Journal of Transportation Safety and Security, 1-20.

Song, J., & Peng, B*. (2017). Should We Leave? Attitudes towards Relocation in Response to Sea Level Rise. Water, 9(12), 941.

Sanyal, Bishwapriya, Lawrence J. Vale, and Christina D. Rosan. Planning ideas that matter: livability, territoriality, governance, and reflective practice. (2012). 关键的规划理念 - 宜居性、区域性、治理与反思性实践. 祝明建,彭彬彬,译. 译林出版社. 2019-640万字)

Selected Awards

2020-2021  Doctoral dissertation was presented in UMD’s three-minute thesis competition and the presentation was awarded by UMD graduate school

2019-2020  Lead graduate teaching advisor for student teams on a real-world project collaborated with Harford County Department of Public Works in Maryland. The project was awarded the Maryland Sustainable Growth Challenge Award winner.

2018-2020  Accepted to join Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC) graduate student workshop and collaborated with a cross-disciplinary research team, the proposed research topic was awarded by the Graduate Pursuit Program with a title of SESYNC research fellow.