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Zhigang CHEN


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Department of Public Administration

Areas of expertise

urban and rural governance, land use policy, natural resources management


Ph.D. Land Resources Management                                                     2000-2005

College of Public Administration, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, China

B.A. Land Resources Management                                                       1996-2000

College of Public Administration, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, China

Research/work Experiences

Professor of Public Administration                                                    present

School of Government, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China

Selected Publications

Zhigang Chen, Xin Zhang, Xianjin Huang, et al. (2019). Influence of government leaders’ localization on farmland conversion in Chinese cities: A “sense of place” perspective. Cities, 90: 74-87.

Zhigang Chen, Youqin Huang, Xianjin Huang (2019). Public support for inclusionary housing in urban China. International Journal of Housing Policy, 19(4): 457-482.

Zhigang Chen, Qing Wang, Xianjin Huang (2015). Can land market development suppress illegal land use in China?, Habitat International, 49: 403-412.

Tianshu Li, Zhigang Chen (2022). The impact of transportation development on land price differences between cities: Widening or narrowing?—A case study based on the provincial level of Mainland China. Growth and Change, 53: 910-932.

Yi Chen, Zhigang Chen, Guoliang Xu, et al. (2016). Built-up land efficiency in urban China: Insights from the General Land Use Plan (2006-2020). Habitat International, 51: 31-38.

Selected Awards

2022-2025, “Study on spatial replacement of rural housing land, rural household livelihood response and agricultural land use change: A case study from typical regions of Jiangsu Province”, funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China.

2017-2020, “Study on the driving mechanism, effects and governance of illegal farmland conversion”, funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China.

2012-2014, “Study on the effects of rural household behavior in response to the agricultural subsidy policy on land use changes: a case study of Jiangsu Province”, funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China.