个人简介 文学学士、法学硕士、管理学博士,现任南京大学政府管理学院特任助理研究员、南京大学华智全球治理研究院专职研究员,曾任美国哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院拉贾瓦利基金会亚洲研究所(Rajawali Foundation Institute for Asia)研究员。两次获得教育部留学基金委公费出国留学奖学金,分别赴比利时法语布鲁塞尔自由大学和哈佛大学从事硕士、博士联合培养。曾赴台湾政治大学、宾夕法尼亚大学、布鲁金斯学会、卡内基国际和平研究院、国际与战略研究中心、传统基金会、兰德公司等高校智库进行短期学术访问与交流。合作出版1部中文专著、1部中文译著、1部英文译著、1部英文参著,在《中国军事科学》、《现代国际关系》、《美国研究》、《台湾研究》、Journal of Contemporary China(《当代中国》)、The China Review(《中国评论》)等核心期刊发表近20篇中英文学术论文。担任新加坡《联合早报》旗下英文电子杂志Think China(《思想中国》)专栏作者、CGTN(China Global Television Network,《中国环球电视网》)特邀撰稿人,在CGTN、Think China、Global Times(《环球时报》)、China Daily(《中国日报》)、《联合早报》等境内外主流报刊媒体发表近40篇中英文时评文章,曾接受《光明网》等媒体采访。
研究兴趣 台湾问题 中美关系 亚太地区国际关系 美国智库与外交政策过程
奖励荣誉 全国台湾研究会第十三届台湾研究优秀成果三等奖(2021) 上海交通大学优秀毕业生(2020) 全国台湾研究会第十一届台湾研究优秀成果三等奖(2019) 博士研究生国家奖学金(2018) 上海市社会科学界学术年会优秀论文奖(2018) 上海交通大学学生年度人物提名奖(2018)
2021. “What Shapes Taiwan-related Legislation in U.S. Congress?” The Journal of Contemporary China, forthcoming. 2021.《权力与自由:西方兴起的因与果》(上海:华东师范大学出版社)[译自:John A. Hall, Powers and Liberties: The Causes and Consequences of the Rise of the West (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1986) ],即出。 2021.《“一国两制”的理论与实践研究》(北京:九州出版社),即出。 2021. “Lesson Taiwan could learn from U.S. abandonment of Afghanistan,” CGTN, August 18. 2021. “How money politics runs behind U.S. think tanks’ approach to Taiwan,” CGTN, July 16. 2021. “Book Review: Think Tanks, Foreign Policy and the Emerging Powers,” Journal of Rising Powers and Global Governance, Vol.2, Iss.1, pp.51-55. 2021.《中美战略竞争与国际政治研究转向的强化》,《中国图书评论》,第5期,第106-115页。 2021.《美国保守派智库对美涉台政策的介入与走向——基于特朗普时期的研究》,《闽台关系研究》,第1期,第28-44页(人大复印资料《台、港、澳研究》2021年第4期全文转载)。 2021. “Taiwan should stick to principle if it wants global seat,” China Daily, May 14. 2021. “How did U.S. mismatch its China policy with its national interest?” CGTN, May 11. 2021. “Why are the DPP authorities so soft on the Fukushima issue?” CGTN, April 23. 2021. “Chinese academic: The US should set out to change itself, not China,” Think China, January 4. 2020.《美国国会干涉台湾问题的新动向》,《现代国际关系》,第10期,第53-60页。 2020.《后疫情时代美国台海政策可能走向》,《联合早报》,8月13日,第24版。 2020. “Stronger ties with Washington won't buy time for Taiwan,” Global Times, July 20.
2020.《美国各界对“一国两制”的认知、偏见及其根源》,《台湾研究》,第3期,第22-32页。 2020.《美国国会涉台立法的规律与发展趋势研究》,《美国研究》,第3期,第35-51页。 2020. 《台湾当局对美巨资游说与美台关系》,《中美印象网》,6月24日。 2020. 《台湾地区2020年“二合一”选举结果及其对政党政治的影响》,《台湾研究》,第1期,第33-48页。 2019.《两岸关系研究中的层次分析问题》,《台海研究》,第2期,第46-54页(人大复印资料《台、港、澳研究》2020年第1期全文转载)。 2019.《“弃台论”及其批判:美国对台政策的利益与价值之辩》,《江苏行政学院学报》,第4期,第83-89页。 2018.《美国智库参与外交决策过程的路径与影响》,《中国第三部门研究》,第1期,第175-192页。 2018.《论“修昔底德陷阱”: 中美之间必有一战吗?》,《中国图书评论》,第7期,第66-76页。 2018. “Does Taiwan Matter to the United States? Policy Debates on Taiwan Abandonment and Beyond,” The China Review, Vol.18, No.3, pp.177-206. 2018.《特朗普时代的中美关系与台湾问题》,《中国军事科学》,第4期,第40-47页(亦载:周志怀编:《台湾研究成果奖获奖论文汇编·2018卷》,北京:九州出版社,2020年;倪永杰主编:《上海台湾研究》第18辑,上海:上海台湾研究所,2018年)。 2018. Tao Wenzhao ed., The US Policy Making Process for Post Cold War China: The Role of US Think Tanks and Diplomacy (Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.) [译自:陶文钊主编:《美国思想库与冷战后美国对华政策》(北京:中国社会科学出版社,2014年)].
2015. “China's economic diplomacy towards the US (2002-2012),” in Zhang Xiaotong, Wang Hongyu et al., eds., China’s Economic Diplomacy: The PRC’s Growing International Influence in the 21st Century (London: ACA Publishing Ltd.), pp.159-165.
联系方式 通讯地址:江苏省南京市栖霞区仙林大道163号南京大学政府管理学院(圣达楼)228室 Email: zhouwenxing@nju.edu.cn
BIO Dr. Zhou Wenxing is currently an Assistant Professor at Nanjing University's School of Government and also holds a joint appointment as Research Fellow at the university's Huazhi Institute for Global Governance. He served as Rajawali Foundation Institute for Asia Fellow at John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University from 2017 to 2018. Dr. Zhou holds a doctorate degree in public administration from Shanghai Jiao Tong University with a Joint-PhD program at Harvard University. Prior to his academic journey to Shanghai, he was a Joint-Master student between Belgium’s l’Université Libre de Bruxelles and Wuhan University, where he received my L.L.M. in international relations. Dr. Zhou’s research fields include comparative politics and international relations, and his recent research focuses mainly on China-U.S. relations and the Taiwan issue. He has co-edited a Chinese-language volume and published a jointly-translated English-language volume. His academic papers appear in both English and Chinese peer-reviewed journals including The China Review, Contemporary International Relations, China Military Science, The Chinese Journal of American Studies, Taiwan Studies. A columnist of Singapore’s e-magazine Think China and contributor to China’s CGTN (China Global Television Network), Dr. Zhou writes English opinion pieces on current affairs. Apart from academic work, he loves traveling and has so far traveled to more than 30 countries and regions in Asia, Africa, Europe and America. He also enjoys reading, watching movies, and playing basketball. He lives with his family in Yuhuatai District of Nanjing City. For more information, please visit his Harvard Scholar website.