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Dr. Zhihao Wang presented at MPSA 2024 in Chicago, United States


From April 4th to 7th, 2024, Dr. Zhihao Wang, Assistant Research Fellow from the Department of Politics, School of Government at Nanjing University, attended the 2024 Annual Midwest Political Science Association Conference (MPSA) held in Chicago, United States. The MPSA annual conference is one of the top international conferences in the field of political science, with numerous panels covering mainstream topics and research agendas across political theory, political methodology, comparative politics, international relations, and other academic areas.

On April 5th, Dr. Wang Zhihao gave a presentation at the panel titled "Historical Roots of Chinese Politics", sharing his empirical research exploring the historical origins of Chinese nationalism and patriotism using an original database. He engaged in extensive exchanges and discussions with domestic and international experts and peers in the political science community regarding related topics and research methods.